The Dangers of Deep Frying Turkey – with a Delicious (and Safer) Alternative
By Jarrett Wagner
It’s that time of the year again. The football season is underway, leaves are falling, and stomachs are rumbling with anticipation for that late Thursday in November when we dedicate a day to giving thanks. As you and your loved ones take time to reflect around the table, your gaze slowly shifts towards the delicious spread in front of you. While all of the food looks and smells wonderful, the main focus will no doubt be on that large, golden turkey in the center of the table.
Over the years, both the average consumer and restaurant owners have devised several different methods of cooking their whole turkeys in order to stand out from their friends and/or competitors. Eventually a trend grew among the public – attempts to deep fry whole turkeys outside, mainly in preparation for holidays or other occasions. Traditions have developed where the cook and onlookers stand over this outdoor deep fat fryer and listen as the oil sizzles and turkey quickly cooks. Many of us have seen these videos of whole turkeys flying out of the deep fat fryer or a large fire spreading to outlying areas (or in some cases, their own garages and homes). We may have joked or kidded with our friends about these scenarios, but I can assure you the people in the videos don’t find this funny.
According to statistics gathered by the federal government, over 2,000 fires occur every Thanksgiving Day. More than 2/3 are a result of food catching on fire, and many are because of deep fat fryers. These fires cause tens of millions of dollars in property damage annually and more importantly, result in serious injuries or the loss of lives.