
Baby Proofing and Child Safety at Home: A Complete Guide

We all want to keep children out of harm’s way. Whether you’re a child care professional, a new parent, or anything in-between, it can feel overwhelming to keep track of kids who seem to be attracted to harm like moths to a candle.

Sadly, the most common causes of injuries and death for children younger than 18 are preventable accidents. 1 Eliminating the serious risks from your home will allow you to relax and let your kids roam more freely.

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/child-health.htm

This guide isn’t intended to cause unnecessary worry or work. Instead, we want to put your mind at ease by exposing the many risks in your home and providing simple solutions to help you avoid preventable injuries. This complete home safety guide covers a wide variety of childproofing areas and considerations.

Following these tips and suggestions will significantly reduce the hidden dangers in and around your home. We’ll also introduce different products and ideas to help you protect children of all ages. Let’s get started!

1.  Electrical Safety for Kids

For new parents, the first and most impactful change to make when childproofing a home or workspace is to cover, lock, or block off all exposed outlets. When it comes to small children, if there is something they’re not supposed to do, they will do it.

If there is an exposed hole in a wall, your little one may touch it or stick something in it. Electrical outlets are deadly and are found throughout every home. Approximately 100 kids die each year by electrocution2 and many others are seriously hurt. Here are some rules and tips:


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