How to Prevent Your Desktop or Laptop Fire From Burning Down Your House

  If you own a laptop or desktop computer, then read closely. Who would think that a laptop could catch fire. The facts are surprising. In 2007-2011, there were an estimated 730 reported U.S. home structure fires involving office equipment per year, resulting in: 11 civilian deaths per year 51 civilian injuries per year $28 million…

Home Generator 101: How to Power On When the Power Goes Out

By Roy Berendsohn Jun 9, 2011  Here are 10 basic generator questions people asked PM, and their answers. 1. How Big a Generator Should I Get? We’re not talking physical size, but, rather, a generator’s electrical capacity. This size depends on the sum of the electrical loads you want to power simultaneously, measured in watts. First,…

Lost? A Personal Locator Beacon Could Save Your Life

More Rescues Credited to the Use of Satellite Detectable Locater Beacons uring a three-day span last month, two separate outdoors enthusiasts ran into life-threatening situations in the wilderness and used Personal Locator Beacons (PLBs) in order to survive. Even though the circumstances of each rescue were different, one involved a hiker and the other an…

Here’s Why Hoverboards Are So Dangerous

They might not really hover, but they really can explode. PETER DOCKRILL, 14 DEC 2015 Hoverboards are having a hard time of late. No sooner had these fun-looking, futuristic gizmos arrived on the scene than they’ve seemingly become public enemy #1 amidst a string of safety controversies. The latest drama surrounding hoverboards – which don’t actually…

Underride Collisions with Big Rigs

Truck trailers can (easily) be made safer Tractor-trailer rolls over in 3-car Tollway crash on Aug. 12, 2015. (WGN-TV) Our view: Crash tests show that hundreds of lives might be saved if future truck trailers were required to have relatively inexpensive underride guards along their sides The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), a widely-respected safety…

Construction Safety

Be aware of the power lines where you live and work. Always assume power lines are live. This applies to power lines on utility poles as well as those entering your home or buildings. Even momentary contact can injure or kill. Always keep yourself, your equipment, and anything you carry at least 10 feet from…

Stay Safe At the Beach

13 Tips for Preventing Injury and Illness AUGUST 30, 2013 |BY KATE MORIN   Few things scream “summer” more than soaking up some rays with the scent of salt water in the air and sand between your toes. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, Americans take about two billion trips to the beach each year. But it’s not all about…

Best Satellite Messengers and Locator Beacons

How the heck do you communicate, effectively, from the wild? If you’re looking to solve this mystifying problem, there are a variety of solutions, personal locator beacons and satellite messengers among them. We called around and read up on the most innovative options before buying the best and testing them for months. We’ve enlisted the…

Hiking Safety

Hiking is a relatively safe outdoor adventure. People get hurt when they do not prepare for bad weather or push their bodies harder than they should. The other most common problem when hiking is getting lost, so it is important to know how NOT to get lost and what to do if it does happen….