Boy Buried in Tragedy on Beach

Dozens of holidaymakers pitched in to try to dig out 17-year-old Matt Mina, who was stuck seven foot deep after a tunnel he had been digging in the sand collapsed, trapping him.

Despite the desperate efforts to free the trapped sand kept pouring back into the huge hole.

Eventually firefighters managed to drag him out and although he was unconscious at first he has since made a remarkable recovery.

People dig frantically to pull Matt Mina from the sand

People dig frantically to pull Matt Mina from the sand

Saved: The boy is pulled out from beneath the sand, unconscious but alive

Close call: The teenager who was buried in 6 feet of sand while digging a trench on a California beach said Thursday he was certain he would die

Close call: The teenager who was buried in 6 feet of sand while digging a trench on a California beach said Thursday he was certain he would die

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