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This Baby Got Second-Degree Burns From a Garden Hose

By Hayley Malan, June 8, 2018  With the weather warming up for summer we will look to water activities to cool us down outdoors.  Summer is associated with pools, the beach, running through sprinklers, slip n’ slides or even just a hose down to relieve the heat.  But with the fun of summer comes the dangers…

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Egg Explosion Due To Microwave

It’s no yolk … microwaving boiled eggs is a bad idea. In fact, they may explode -– and superheated water may be the culprit, said researchers authoring a new report under an unusual set of circumstances. Anthony Nash, in a presentation Wednesday at the Acoustical Society of America meeting in New Orleans, offered a possible…

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“Safe” Firepots and Fuel Gels?

ERIC T. CHAFFIN  APR 22, 2014 It’s been nearly three years since the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), along with nine manufacturers, recalled millions of gel fuel products used in firepots, and now, the market has produced new, “safer” alternatives. But how safe are these alternatives, really? Do we still need to worry about pots…

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Kerosine Heater Safety

IN THIS ARTICLE These dangers include: Picking the model Dealing with hazards Using it safely Remember that you can lessen the fire, serious burn, pollution and asphyxiation dangers from kerosene heaters by: Handling fuel Summer–fall maintenance If you use a kerosene heater in your home or place of business, you should take precautions against a…


This Baby Got Second-Degree Burns From a Garden Hose

 By Hayley Malan  June 8, 2018 With the weather warming up for summer we will look to water activities to cool us down outdoors.  Summer is associated with pools, the beach, running through sprinklers, slip n’ slides or even just a hose down to relieve the heat.  But with the fun of summer comes the dangers…