Battery dead? Here’s how to get out of a locked Tesla.

Over the last few years, some Tesla owners have reported that when the 12-volt battery gives out, they’ve been locked in or out of their cars. Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images © Provided by CNET A recent Arizona incident in which a toddler was trapped in a Tesla Model Y vehicle until firefighters arrived is renewing concerns…


Golf Cart Safety

GOLF CART Safety Most of you probably think of golf carts as harmless mini-vehicles. The reality is, far more people than you would imagine arrive at the emergency room every year because of a golf cart accident. Each year in the US, about 15,000 people require emergency care from a golf cart-related injury. History If…


Danger of Keyless Ignition and Carbon Monoxide

People are dying from carbon monoxide poisoning as they forget to turn their cars off after parking in a garage. [Photo:] Keyless ignition and remarkably quiet engines in modern cars have actually been killing people, according to a report in The New York Times. Every single year, it seems we in the car buying public…


75-Year-Old Man Survives Being Trapped in Hot Cadillac for 14 Hours

Posted By BJ Colangelo on Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 10:17 a.m. With cold weather just around the corner, 75-year-old Peter Pyros of Cleveland wanted to take one last spin around the neighborhood in his 2006 Cadillac XLR roadster. Pyros got in his vehicle, shut the door and hit the push-start button. Nothing. He tried putting the key fob into a slot to…

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How To Survive A Blizzard In Your Vehicle

How do you survive if you become trapped in your vehicle during a blizzard? With winter fast approaching, this is a good question. The last few years have seen unseasonably cold and snowy winters in the U.S. Along with sustained cold temperatures, many regions experienced blizzard conditions including heavy snowfall and accumulation, combined with strong winds….