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Egg Explosion Due To Microwave

It’s no yolk … microwaving boiled eggs is a bad idea. In fact, they may explode -– and superheated water may be the culprit, said researchers authoring a new report under an unusual set of circumstances. Anthony Nash, in a presentation Wednesday at the Acoustical Society of America meeting in New Orleans, offered a possible…


The 5 Best Bristle-Free Grill Brushes on Amazon

By BECKY HUGHES 06.07.18 Don’t let the fear of errant metal bristles stop you from getting your grill on. The best way to clean the grates of your grill is with a grill brush—but wire grill brushes have recently been getting some pretty scary press. Apparently the small wires from metal grill brushes, especially poor-quality ones, can fall onto…

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Grill Safety Tips

Every year, 7,000 Americans are injured while using backyard barbecue grills. It’s usually a case of good products used incorrectly. “Good Morning America” teamed up with Underwriters Laboratories, the non-profit company that puts the UL mark on products it has tested for safety, to highlight the most common mistakes and key safety tips. Here are the top 10. Do: 1. Keep…

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What is Anaphylaxis? Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Have you ever wondered why many schools have banned peanut butter in kids’ lunches over the past several years? Have you ever been in the hospital, told the doctor about your allergies, and had to wear a red ‘Allergy’ band along with your identification band? Or do you have a friend or family member who has to carry…


13-Year-Old Dies From Peanut Butter Allergy After Accidental Ingestion

 JULY 31, 2013 11:25AM EDT Courtesy Photo How tragic! A young girl has died after suffering a severe allergic reaction to peanut butter! Natalie was at a summer camp in California with her family when she ate a Rice Krispie treat that she did not know contained peanut butter. Read on for more of this…


When a child is choking, it means that an object — usually food or a toy — is stuck in the trachea (the airway), keeping air from flowing normally into or out of the lungs, so the child can’t breathe properly. The trachea is usually protected by a small flap of cartilage called the epiglottis . The trachea and…