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Bath and Body Works Candle Explodes in Woman’s Face

AMELIA EDELMAN JULY 30, 2017, 4:00 PM PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES. A Texas woman ended up in the emergency room this week after a lit Bath & Body Works candle exploded in her face when she tried to blow it out, NBC reports. This is not the news we wanted to hear about our favorite ’90s-flashback-scents brand. The woman’s husband,…

How to Prevent Your Desktop or Laptop Fire From Burning Down Your House

  If you own a laptop or desktop computer, then read closely. Who would think that a laptop could catch fire. The facts are surprising. In 2007-2011, there were an estimated 730 reported U.S. home structure fires involving office equipment per year, resulting in: 11 civilian deaths per year 51 civilian injuries per year $28 million…

Here’s Why Hoverboards Are So Dangerous

They might not really hover, but they really can explode. PETER DOCKRILL, 14 DEC 2015 Hoverboards are having a hard time of late. No sooner had these fun-looking, futuristic gizmos arrived on the scene than they’ve seemingly become public enemy #1 amidst a string of safety controversies. The latest drama surrounding hoverboards – which don’t actually…