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Yosemite Safety Tips

AUSTIN — safer-america.com, MAY 10, 2023 Yosemite is one of the nation’s most treasured national parks. With breathtaking natural beauty and so many activities for outdoor enthusiasts, it’s no surprise that Yosemite is one of the most visited destinations for nature lovers. Visitors must appreciate the stunning landscape and respect the inherent dangers associated with…

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How To Survive A Blizzard In Your Vehicle

How do you survive if you become trapped in your vehicle during a blizzard? With winter fast approaching, this is a good question. The last few years have seen unseasonably cold and snowy winters in the U.S. Along with sustained cold temperatures, many regions experienced blizzard conditions including heavy snowfall and accumulation, combined with strong winds….

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Fog Safety Overview

Fog, particularly when dense, can be hazardous to drivers, mariners and aviators. Fog contributes to numerous travel accidents every year. Restrictions in visibility resulting from fog can also impact takeoff and landing procedures and requirements for pilots, and can be the cause of weather-related aviation delays. This website offers information on the hazards of dense…


How Not to Fall Off a Cruise Ship

It happens more often than you might think  (Photo: NAN728/Shutterstock) Angela Nelson (@BostonAngela)Travel(March 7, 2016) The average cruise ship rises something like 200 feet — the equivalent of around 20 stories — above the waterline. That’s a long way down. Now consider this: According to the International Business Times, about 200 people have fallen off cruise ships since…


Road trip Safety

Each year thousands of American families pack up the car to go on roadtrips, but many do not consider this dangerous fact: unsecured objects in your car can become projectiles in a crash. George Clark of Wisconsin should know. He and some fellow dads were coming home from Boy Scout Leader training when another car pulled right into their…