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Fire and Burn Prevention
2015 Resource Guide In 2013, fires and burns were the fourth leading cause of injury-related deaths to children ages 1-18 in the U.S. (WISQARS). Most of these deaths were caused by residential fires, although a working smoke detector can reduce by half the risk of dying in a home fire (NFPA). In addition, it is important to note that…
Can You Plug a Space Heater into a Surge Protector?
August 7, 2022 by Jeanette Gilbert Space heaters are a great way to stay warm in the winter when you live in a cold climate. But it can be a struggle in smaller homes to find a place to plug them in, and you may be wondering if you can plug your space heater into a surge…
8 Signs You May Have a Problem with Your Electrical Wiring
Only you can prevent house fires — or at least greatly lower the risk by keeping an eye out for these warning signs of trouble Paul HopeHome (Photo: Thomas Skjaeveland/Shutterstock) Electrical malfunctions cause more than 50,000 house fires each year, according to Electrical Safety Foundation International. The majority can be prevented. To protect your own home,…
Holiday Safety Alerts: Beware of Hoverboards
SAFETY TEAM —, DECEMBER 18, 2015 Hoverboards are on fire. Literally. Across America, multiple families have reported dangerous episodes involving hoverboards catching fire. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) launched an investigation earlier this week involving 12 hoverboard-related fire incidents in 10 states. The CPSC is currently analyzing the safety of the highly-popular…
The Top Most Common Causes of House Fires
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