Key Ways to Prevent Electric Shock Drowning

Three key ways to stop electric shock drowning.

Electric Shock Drowning Prevention

This photo depicts two huge safety mistakes. The child is not wearing a life jacket, and she is swimming in a marina. (Don’t worry. Eight-year-old Ella is safe. We staged the shot by having her jump from one boat swim platform to another.)


The good news — if I can call it that while looking at the case facts of six-dozen waterborne electrocutions reaching back to 1986 — is that ESD deaths are preventable today. There are three basic ways to stop ESD: A certified marine electrician can head off problems with a 30-minute visit aboard. A quick test, which boat owners can conduct themselves, ensures that a ground connection is diverting lethal current from the boat to shore. (The damaged end of an easily replaced shore cord is often what causes that ground to break.) Further protection comes with an equipment leakage circuit interrupter retrofit — installed on new boats since 2011 — that shuts off alternating current power at the slightest instance of an ESD-causing fault.

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