
Danger of Keyless Ignition and Carbon Monoxide

People are dying from carbon monoxide poisoning as they forget to turn their cars off after parking in a garage. [Photo: Naver.com] Keyless ignition and remarkably quiet engines in modern cars have actually been killing people, according to a report in The New York Times. Every single year, it seems we in the car buying public…

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Kerosine Heater Safety

IN THIS ARTICLE These dangers include: Picking the model Dealing with hazards Using it safely Remember that you can lessen the fire, serious burn, pollution and asphyxiation dangers from kerosene heaters by: Handling fuel Summer–fall maintenance If you use a kerosene heater in your home or place of business, you should take precautions against a…

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UL Sets Safer Standards for Portable Generators

When misused, today’s portable generators can release enough carbon monoxide to kill in minutes Kari RedfieldHome (February 15, 2018) According to CPSC reports, the misuse of portable generators causes an average of 71 deaths per year and poison thousands of others requiring emergency treatment. Using a generator indoors or nearby a home’s structure and in the…